So Batman came back a while ago. Christian Bale tapped his inner throat sing and Director C (yes he's damn good) Nolan and his cohort D-goyer re-imagined a cultural icon.
This is the end to the trilogy. That was clear form the beginning of this film's creation. Batman/Bruce Wayne has been through a lot in this films, and the 3rd is no exception.
It picks up 8 years after the events of THE DARK KNIGHT
[BOONSWEET NOTE :if you have not seen that film... first WTF, second, stop reading... find copy of it, nap prior to allow for full viewing without couch coma... and immediately return to this review.. thank you]
Batman is no longer needed. That is until a crazy new villain, BANE (as imagined by the very awesomely talented Tom hardy)
[BOONSWEET NOTE #2 : Watch Tom Hardy in WARRIOR... thank you]
From there Batman (now apparently all old and broken) must gather himself to challenge this new tyrant. Bane is an awesome addition to this Nolan world. Every inch the physical presence, Heath Ledger's Joker was mentally in the preceding film. Which brings me to an important point, is Bane better than Joker? No. He is not. However, with the insertion of "Cat" woman into the mix, I feel this film has the edge in villainy. Did anyone really need Two Face, or the last twenty minutes of THE DARK KNIGHT, no, because the Joker was electric, he was the film, and once he was gone, it felt like whoever does a speech at the wedding reception after the MOH and BM... like is that really needed... Every inch of BANE and Catwoman are needed. Anne Hathaway is brilliant in this film. Her relation to both Bruce and his Batman is hypnotizing (as is occasionally her fashion sense). Anyone who doubts Anny-H as a legitimate actress has clearly not watched through her growing body of work. I had no worries of her knocking this outta the park... but did I expect to leave the theatre going "Damn she was great" no. So... ya. Awesome.
![]() |
Um... is it wrong to open with 'here kitty, kitty'? |
I won't go to much further into this folks. Basic plot structure really. Hero gets broken, rebuilds, challenges villain anew... with people in peril, and plot twists here and dere. Now I really wanna get into something...
(and my fingers take a deep breath)
Batman of all the heroes in this year wide blueish world, has stood the test of time. Changing with each generation. There are two heroes whose influence and image surpass genre, country, they are simply known, and have been for a long time. Superman, and his brooding counterpart, BATMAN. In the last few years with the first two parts of the "Dark Knight" trilogy achieving success at the office of the box, massive success, that influence has indeed continued to grow. Making Batman the most success comic hero to be brought to screen. At the time anyway, as Avengers is on it's way to establish a legitimate challenge.
So this puts me in a strange position. I love the DC universe. Since I was a small child, long long ago, I have enjoyed comics. Here it comes, prepare yourselves. Gather your senses, and if you have never wanted to curse out my name... You may now :)
This is not a comic Movie. Period. But Boony, what do you mean? It's a Batman Movie. Yup, and in my mind, except for a few moments here, or there, this has really, limited ties to any Batman creation before, or ongoing. This folks in a brilliant, realistic, gritty, crime series, that happens to involve a man dressed like a Bat. There are no other heroes in this world. Does anyone see this deep-throated billionaire bat rolling up with a guy in blue tights? No because this is a real world. A real world where villains that once had super strength venom and grew 5 times his size, are now believably strong gangsters.
The official announcement of the reboot is for 2016 is out there. And people are already up in arms. Really? I for one am stoked. I want to see the Batman I have grown up with. Damn it I want the Batmobile to not look like it was borrowed from the transformers set. I want the freaking Batwing to look like a freaking bat!
Yes these things make it less real, but that is the way it needs to be so that these DC characters can begin to exist in the same universe, so that they may soon congregate at my local Cineplex.
In closing...
This is a great film. It was an amazing conclusion to an amazing trilogy. One of the most realistic, and unique takes on comic characters we are likely to ever see. A trilogy that will now boast two films that are very high on my list on favourites.
I liked this film more than THE DARK KNIGHT. I said it. For the following reasons.
1. Bane is awesome
2. Selena Kyle is intriguing in ways Harvey Dent never was
3. JGL, aka, mister former 3rd rock. Guy is amazing.
4. I did not feel lag at any moment. Anyone who tells me that the DARK KNIGHT did not lag in certain spots is ridiculous. Or they had a popcorn much larger than mine... bastards.
5. The ending. Thank you for actually wrapping this up. Yes it's open, but in a way I feel backs up the film, without feeling like a cheap "Maybe I'll come back for one more"
6. The People of Gotham finally getting in on the fun.
That's it. One of my longest reviews ever.
Movie scale 5 out 5 stars... there it is. That good folks.
Comic movie scale 4.5 out of five stars (I hope you batty bastards get my love of this film, and the need for a new take!)
- Chuck B Boonsweet is hoping into some leather... or was that taking someone out of it... I get so confused... maybe I should just - (smoke bomb!)
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