So. Let me say first off... there are Millions and Millions of people... aka the vast majority that understand a bad movie is just that. However, there is a growing movement in hollywood to label films in some progressive light - for example - this film is about empowering a gender... and then when it fails... they reference that as the reason... So there is a small group of movies, that are almost "Fail" proof, because people just nod and go - it wasn't your fault - society.
Now. As I said. Most people understand - bad movie is bad movie. However, I have read some posts explaining things like "It's so sad that men aren't ready to support strong women" or my fav "This film wasn't sexy enough for men to invest I guess, sad statement on society".
I read comics. I love comics. I read books. I watch all things. And I've been trying to find a way to explain this movie to non comic fans... because everyone complaining on line - well first - from the box office results, most of you didn't see the film and 2. I know you haven't read the comics. So for once - a rare moment - I want to comment on the source material.
TITANIC ... most of you have seen Titanic... Diamond. Rose. Leo floating on a board. Imagine they remade that movie tomorrow. And the story was essentially the same... except - it was now in the future, the TITANIC was a spaceship, and Leo's character was now a 320 pound man with thinning hair. At the end of the move, he lived and Rose is the one that died. Imagine walking out of the theatre and saying to your friend "Well, I mean it was ok, but I didn't really like what they did with the characters, or I mean - why the F was it a spaceship?"... and after you said that someone jumped out from around the corner and said - HA IT'S CAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE MEN.
Does that make any sense to you? Does this analogy work?
Let's try one more... TWILIGHT... gets remade this weekend. You gather your friends because you remember this film from your childhood... and you are stoked, and a little scared, you see what a new version looks like. You go to the movie... and now instead of sparkling vampires, its actually a zombie love story... and it's called twilight because at twilight is when these zombies rise to attack the living... Only Edward... now named EDDIE see's Bella and decides maybe she is worth loving and not eating... Oh and his skin sparkles once... buts its done during this fireworks scene just because the writer/director thought it would be a cool call out... and while walking out of the theatre... you turned to your friend... and say "Wow, who the hell decided to change it to zombies, that was dumb... and why did they call him Eddie, what the hell"... and then someone jumped our from around the corner and yelled - HA IT'S BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE STRONG WOMEN.
There.... thats the best I can do to explain to you. If you don't get it fine. If you do and you wanna say - well ok thats just you, not all men - listen you can spin it however you want. I just wanna talk about a movie instead of engaging in internet warfare and explain - my love or hate of this movie would never, ever, have had anything to do with women... and everything to do with things like...
![]() |
The left - super awesome ninja cassandra kane... right... punk street kid - that... steals things? |
BATGIRL... raised my a guild of ancient assassins... is now a short... overweight kid that pick pockets. And is also not batgirl... and... Huntress dresses like a reject from a MC hammer video... and is also kinda dumb because she ... what... hasn't been in the world or something for long? That part is not really explained... any way ok... long intro...
YOUR STORY GOES... Harley Quinn... leaves the joker. Pisses off a mob guy, and with Huntress, and Black Canary... and well not Cassandra Kane (aka useless kid that takes a diamond) and a cop Renee, will rise up and challenge the gangland authority.
Ok. I can't - I'm going back to batgirl... Cassandra... WHAT - WHY - she was literally one of the strongest most badass women in the entire DC universe. If anyone wanted females front and centre... she would've been the one. Or even to use her as a non batgirl... and leave the door open for her growth into the Batgirl character... especially since Huntress has dabbled with the Bat family as well.
Also... birds of prey... MORE BATGIRL STUFF... is led by Oracle... aka the Batgirl that was shot by the joker. Is she any where... the leader of the Birds of Prey... the actual main character (arguably) of the whole comic. Someone with a built in connection to Harley's Ex? Nope. She's just gone. I mean the sheer insulting nature of the approach to this movie... as I said... reference those two examples I left. I doubt it fully inspires the level of my disbelief at how insanely - just dismissive - this film is of everything I loved from the comics... just to have a flimsy story to prop up Harley Quinn... and course how could you under stand... you didn't have to sit through Zombie Eddie.
Ok. That said. The movie is fun. Ya ya I know. But.
Really I mean it. Despite my deep Batgirl related sadness. There are some truly cool action scenes...
I laughed. I smiled. I ate pop corn and drank a beer in a theatre - which always makes me feel good. The action scenes for the most part are actually really fun. The actors, all of them, do the best they can with the material. Though, outside of Harley, most have pretty limited lined to work with.
Sigh. I just... ahhhhhhhhhh... I can't stop.
Which begs the question - why not just call this movie HARLEY: Single and Crazy... and have the same story... without completely destroying a comic book in the process. Just have a street kid steal a diamond the bad guy wants, and a bunch of new characters get behind Harley to help. You could've had the exact same movie... exact same... and I wouldn't have to think to myself - why does every one that made this movie think - I A GUY THAT LOVES BIRDS OF PREY... a guy that was pumped to see they characters they decided to bring to screen - am a useless pile of crap that doesn't matter in the least.
If birds of prey doesn't matter... don't buy the rights, and make a movie called that you damn jerks. It's like you are daring me to hate your movie... well challenge accepted.
Now, this is key... As a movie... if you ignore all the comic stuff (ya - in a comic movie - ignore the comic stuff) its a decent face paced fun movie. Ewan McGregor is having a blast as the villain, and does have many great scenes... including an uncomfortably menacing scene that was unexpected with the tone of the movie. Harley is always a blast.. Margot Robbie is just ... pretty much Harley... I think they missed a chance to really explore her calm and caring side... something that adds a real dimension to her in the comics. But as DC's female Deadpool-ish... she is bang on.
Violence, and drugs, and pet Hyenas. The movie is fast and colourful, and fun. I think there will be a lot of people that really dig this. My own brother told me this was his fav DC film. And cool. As I said, if you watch this with no idea, I think you can have a real good snack worthy time here. If you are a real comic fan.... theres some real rough spots. And for me the issue is... much like with SUICIDE SQUAD... its fun... but I don't need it in 4K on my shelf. For me when I compare it to films like - WONDER WOMAN, AQUAMAN, JOKER, MAN OF STEEL, SHAZAM... its not even close to my fav. But who knows... find it for 5-10$ in a bin... i might.
ONE LINE MOVIE REVIEW: Bad for your comic loving heart. Good for popcorn.
Movie scale 3 out of 5 stars
Comic movie scale 2.5 out of 5 stars
I've said it before about DC... I appreciate that they really take risks... or at least accidentally take risks. Unlike Marvel ... where every movie (and I'm talking disney not Sony here) is a perfectly mixed blend of humour and heart and 2 action set pieces... DC... I just never know what I'm gunna get... and I get excited for the unknown. Even when it cuts me... so deep.
I am glad comic movies are being made. But screen writers need to put down their egos... and just write the comics. There is a reason they have been around for 30 years (birds of prey) and this movie will be forgotten in a year. Or a week. Or already.