YAY its another episode of Me vs the internet. I thought we were friends dammit. I thought the internet was a place for nerds and you know.... regular humans, to bond over their love of all things genre and weird and awesome... you know... like ROBOTS FROM THE FUTURE SHOOTING STUFF....
Ok - look we need to get something out of the way. Right Hurrrrrr. I have brought up many times on this site that at my core I love movies. I can love a bad movie, a big budget movie, a silly movie, a political film, a film with a message... any thing. There is some much to love in the art form... sweet hell someone needs to tell the internet.
This movie might be the best example I have seen of unregulated net hate (OK Star wars takes the cake... but that review is coming up). All I heard for weeks was this film was "WOKE" trash... and SJW garbage. And honestly if you don't know those terms ... just don't... don't google it... don't investigate - just live in ignorant bliss. Because, sweet hell the online wars happening over the catch phrase terms "de jour".
And well the film-makers brought it on themselves didn't they. By putting it into the interviews, and the soundbites, that this film was about strong females, and empowering women... etc. WHICH SHOULDN'T BOTHER ANYONE if I'm keeping it real (I know people argue its not the message its how the message is delivered - but pretty much the same things folks lol). Man can save the world. Woman can save the world. In fact you could argue a woman had just as much to do with the fate of the world - SARAH CONNOR... as her son JOHN did. Period.
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99% sure this pose wasn't in movie. However. How is there no explosion behind them? Pose fail. |
But this is a MOVIE and all that should matter is whether or not it is a good one. Not how someone somewhere decided to market the damn thing. Thats the divide here people... before a movie even drops now you have 118 (approximately) youtube sites dropping hate on the film based on 30 second interviews... and three lines of highlighted website (that has 96 views)... BUT - that doesn't have anything to do with the film. This is the publicity campaign... this is how they are deciding to market films... because hate or no hate... someone somewhere still believes online traffic of any kind will be beneficial to the film. Well. Hopefully they catch on soon. Cause - ya not the way that works yo.
AND I AM HERE TO TELL YOU BOONIACS... besides the opening 5 minutes which took me roughly 37 minutes to get over... ok... dammit... still not fully over it... this movie was a blast.
Because you see internet... this isn't about whether a man save the world or a woman... its about saving the whole freaking race from machines. You stop raging on trailers and spitting gender hate all over the net. We have a future in peril. We have some kick ass characters, and some of the best over the top action I have seen in a while....
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Dammit Arnold... this is not how you hug. How many... sigh... fine. I'll show you. |
Your plot. TERMINATOR 2 happened... judgement day was avoided... but computers still found a way and now history is repeating itself with a new human hero. Time travel. Killer Robot - augmented human sent back to protect a Mexican Woman, and SARAH Connor complete with hardcore terminating terminator ways.
And go.
Ok again... I mean anyone in theatre... sweet Hell was that opening bad. I mean how did they expect people to react to that. If you had just set that opening scene midway into the movie... maybe after a certain meeting.... hmmm.....hmmmm.... you could've dulled the blow. By a freaking time travelling mile... but no you had to straight crap on anyone terminator loving fan right out of the gate...
James Cameron was involved with this. Tim Miller was involved with this. Who let that happen?! WHOOOOO!??? It would be almost impossible for anyone reeling from that opening 5 minutes to pull themselves back together... because the movie has already said you like Terminator 1 and 2 - well screw you buddy!
(Takes breath)
BUT. After that... my goodness is this a fun flick. Yes. Arnold returns. And he's different... but... did I mind - no. In fact it plays up what his line was capable of learning - in line with T2, where he begins to perhaps care for JOHN. So to the internet... really that is the hill you are gunna die on. Arnold evolved.
2. Anyone that says this film doesn't have action, and that that action isn't some sound system destroying awesomeness ... I think I was actually out of breath at one point. This film winded me... touched me in my lungs without consent.
If terminator was about an indestructible force... and humanities determination to fight in the face of that inevitability... than this film delivers in spades. And though I found the concept of a machine that didn't know it was human.... (Terminator: Salvation) to be a really interesting exploration of the machines evolution... and choice. This film provides some very interesting takes of its own. I really enjoyed Arnold in this.
This film was apparently meant to kick off a new trilogy. And now... thanks to everyone tanking this film... there will be no more. Well, thankfully no cliff hanger ending. I mean open ended sure... but they all have been. Well... Mostly.
This was a machine 1 explosion per 30 seconds of screen time - blast.
ONE LINE MOVIE REVIEW: Keep ya world hate out my exploding robot movies!
Sci fi scale 3.5 out of 5 stars
Movie scale 3.5 stars out of 5 stars
HAPPY 2020 universe...
trust.. yes some films go to the bad place (the CRAP! section of this here website)... but I will never hate a film because of what anyone says or does in the promotion and production of a film. I will sit and watch a thing...and den - type feelings resulting from that action after.
Boonsweet out !!
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